Birmingham, Birmingham, Birmingham...

Heya guys! :)

It has been quite a long time since I last posted an entry! 
I was actually quite busy this summer sorting some papers out for University, and such...
Hey, but I managed to arrange myself a trip to Birmingham! :)

I must say, its not a very exciting place... but! I really enjoyed it in there since I'm a VINTAGE lover... and Birmingham seemed to bond with this culture very naturally and smoothly... 
I say this because sometimes I feel like London tries really hard to accustom this culture, and some noticeably fail at doing it.

ANYHOW! pictures can describe better than words, so I'll let you guys these pictures so you can get an Idea of Birmingham!


Bullring was, according to locals, the heart of Birmingham! :)
It was a nice place where you had shops, restaurants and such things :P it was quite big aswell! 

 There happened to be a FOREVER 21! never seen one before in the UK

 There was this church with parks and everything! really nice, really nice indeed! :) 
P.S: I think that is pure gold... idk

 This was one of the entrances to the shopping centre.

The shops shown abouve were all shops inside the Bullring... and these are just some of them! :P


I stayed in Birmingham for a week... and since there is really nothing to do in Birmingham, I was getting quite bored of this city. Bullring was good, but having to go to the same places EVERY SINGLE DAY wasn't going to make this trip exciting.
So, I decided to explore for a bit outside Bullring.

To be honest, this was my favourite part of the trip... I went through this street called Digbeth, also known as the vintage street amongst the locals. I was very surprised and happy to find the vintage clothing store COW. I knew Birmingham had the main store within the midlands, but did not remember until I found it!

They wouldn't let me take pictures of the inside... :( but i managed to take pictures from the outside!
I LOVE THIS STORE! and I also got to buy a denim shirt & one of my favourite sweatshirt... as you can
see on the next picture. :)

I became a NEBRASKA HUSKER! (sorry for my ugly face lol)

Besides COW, there was a bazaar taking place in The Custard Factory...
Apparently, they open a bazaar every Tuesday, and they sell all sort of things for a very cheap price! I SO WANT TO GO NOW!

 This SUPER 8 camera though... :( this man was selling it at 10 quid, I said 'I'll come around in a bit' left for two minutes literally, came back. SOLD. :(((( I even saw the girl who bought it D:<

What I noticed while I walked through the street, was that Birmingham was a very artsy city... The city itself was already 'artisticated' that locals didn't even have to try! :P

Did you all get what I'm trying to say?

Ahhhhh, how I love vintage... the last two shops I went from this street, Digbeth, was 100% vintage... 

 Coke bottles from 1899, 1900, 1915, 1916.

I don't remember when this poster was made... but it was looooong ago.

Once I was going home, I found this interesting LP, Vinyl Disc shop. Its name was The Diskery. They sold them for so cheap... like 4 for £1!

 I remember talking to the owner, he told me this shop has been there for almost 60 years now.

Overall, Birmingham was an interesting city and I personally loved the exploring side of the trip. A week is too much to be in this city... I'd rather suggest you to stay for 3 days :P



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  1. omg tutorial on how you edit your photos and video? ♥
